Maria, an exceptional case, confronted the rare challenge of Folliculitis Decalvans (FD), a skin condition affecting the scalp’s back top crown. Today, we delve into her extraordinary narrative, illuminating the resilience of the human spirit and showcasing the profound influence that a combination of modern medical approaches and compassionate care – provided by the Hair Peace Foundation can wield in transforming a patient’s life.
The Genesis of Maria’s Challenge
Maria’s health struggles began subtly, initially resembling dandruff and flaking. Believing it to be a manageable issue, she turned to medicated shampoos for relief. However, as her condition escalated, with her scalp oozing pus, Maria had to make a tough decision – she had to stop breastfeeding her newborn son because she needed antibiotics.
The Diagnostic Odyssey at UCLA Medical Health
When Maria sought assistance at UCLA Medical Health, she faced challenges because there was a lack of expertise in diagnosing and treating FD in women, coupled with her financial constraints. The diagnostic process took an unfortunate turn when she was mistakenly diagnosed with lupus, resulting in a rigorous treatment plan involving potent medications.

The Bump’s Unrelenting Growth
After enduring 20 specialists and 17 years of uncertainty and suffering, Maria’s quest for a correct diagnosis seemed unending. The toll on her and her children’s physical and emotional well-being was immeasurable as they witnessed her constant pain and discomfort.
Dr. Umar’s Compassionate Intervention at UCLA and Invitation to His Private Clinic
Maria’s journey eventually led her to Dr. Sanusi Umar at UCLA Medical Health. Recognizing the gravity of her situation and understanding the challenges she faced in obtaining necessary care, Dr. Umar extended a compassionate invitation to his private clinic through the Hair Peace Foundation’s (HPF’s) pro bono initiative.
Maria now leads an FD-free life after having the bump on her head removed though the Hair Peace Foundation (HPF).
The Turning Point: Discovery and Intervention
At the HPF clinic, a comprehensive examination identified the bump on Maria’s head as an FD lesion, an unusual occurrence in women. Utilizing his bat excision method and patented Athena sutures, Dr. Umar successfully removed Maria’s FD lesion, marking a pivotal moment in her path to recovery.

A Life Without Pain
A year post-surgery, Maria reflects on her transformative journey, free from pain and discomfort. She now leads a life free from FD-related challenges.
“God has plans for each one of us, and he put Dr. Umar in my path like an angel. He has given me a new chance at life, a life without pain”, she says.
FD Publication
Maria was the first patient to receive surgical treatment to manage FD, under Dr. Umar’s care.
In Conclusion
Maria’s story illuminates the path of hope for those facing undiagnosed conditions, underscoring the importance of perseverance and the potential for transformative healing when a patient and a dedicated healthcare professional come together. Through narratives like Maria’s, we aim not only to share the makeover side of these experiences but also to remind us all to be compassionately aware of the humanity within every person we come across.